Latest Notifications
Previous Years
- Jan, 2025: Memorandum: Assured Career Progression Scheme (85 KB)
- Sept, 2024: Memorandum, submitted to the XVI Finance Commission, 2024 (279 MB)
06/09/2023: Contact Details of the Internal Complaint Committee(ICC) under the "Sexual Harrasment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
13/06/2024: Sixteenth Finance Commission.
15/02/2024: Order No. FEA 93/2004/208 from Finance (Economic Affairs) Department.
09/02/2024: Order No. FEA 93/2004/207 from Finance (Economic Affairs) Department.
13/07/2023: OM regarding Suspension of Delegation of Financial Power under the Meghalaya Delegation of Financial Powers Rule 2006 for Major Head "3054".
18/04/2023: OM regarding Grant of Dearness Relief to the All India Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
20/10/2022: OM regarding Temporary Withdrawal of the Meghalaya Delegation of Financial Powers Rule 2006.
14/10/2022: OM regarding Grant of Dearness Relief to the All India Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
04/07/2022: OM regarding TA/DA of the Officials attached with Hon'ble Chief Minister on Tour.
26/05/2022: OM regarding Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief.
21/04/2022: OM regarding temporary exempted items of Expenditure.
05/04/2022: OM regarding Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2022.
28/03/2022: The Meghalaya Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (Amendment)Act, 2022 (Act No. 3 of 2022)
- 25/02/2022: Notification regarding appointment of Joint Secretary, Finance (A.F) Department as Nodal Officer for eProposal System.
- 15/02/2022: Monetary Compensation / Benefits in lieu of Leave Travel Concession.
- 11/02/2022: Implementation of recommendations of the Fifth Meghalaya Pay Commission - Payment of arrears.
- 18/08/2021: Grant of Dearness Relief to the All India Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 1.7.2021.
- 12/08/2021: OM regarding Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief.
- 04/08/2021: Office memorandum dated 4th August, 2021.
- 20/07/2021: OM regarding HelpDesk on Beams.
- 15/07/2021: OM regarding Implementation of 'Pensioner's Life Certificate Verification - Mobile App' for Pensioners.
- 30/06/2021 OM regarding to ensure expeditious implementation of schemes and to compensate for the time loss due to the impact of the 2nd wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- 15/06/2021: Minutes of the Round 12 Meeting of the State Level Co-ordination Committee (SLCC) for the State of Meghalaya held at Shillong on February 26, 2020.
- 27/05/2021: OM regarding the allignment of Sub head Code and Description of the State with Accountant General (A&E) codes.
- 22/03/2021: State advisory group to overseas the implementation of public financial management system in the state.
- 16/03/2021: OM regarding withdrawal of the 70% restriction on Establishment Expenditure of the Budget Estimate 2020-21 made vide letter No FEA. 93/2004/187, dated 23rd Oct, 2020.
- 11/03/2021: Sanction of funds during March 2021.
- 15/12/2020: Notification regarding Meghalaya Services (Revision of Pay) Rules 2018 under the head of tourism of the Pay Schedule.
- 23/10/2020: Economy measures in respect of expenditure during 2020-21.
- 23/10/2020: OM regarding restriction to 70% of the Budget Estimates for the Establishment expenditure to be incurred during the current financial year 2020-2021
- 16/10/2020: Procedure for fixation of pay in the 2017 Revised Pay Structure - checking and approval of Initial Pay Statement.
- 17/08/2020: OM regarding fixing of the ceiling on '13- Office Expenses' that the departments can incurred for the first two quarters of the CFY 2020-2021.
- 14/08/2020: OM regarding Government employees returning from other States to the State of Meghalaya who are mandated by COVID-19.
- 14/08/2020: OM regarding Exemption pertaining to the withdrawal of the Meghalaya Delegation of Financial Rules, 2006.
- 10/08/2020: OM regarding Grant for Special Casual Leave for Government employees who undergo Quarantine in view of COVID-19.
- 03/08/2020: OM regarding Procedure for fixation of pay in the 2017 Revised Pay Structure - checking and approval of Initial Pay Statement.
- 16/06/2020: OM regarding items of expenditure and procedures that are exempted from the temporary withdrawal of the Meghalaya Delegation of Financial Power Rules (DFP) 2006.
- 09/06/2020: Amendments made to the Pay Schedule appended to the Meghalaya Services (RoP)Rules, 2018 under the head "Community and Rural Development".
- 08/06/2020: OM regarding items of expenditure and procedures that are exempted from the purview of the Department's letter No dated FEA 93/2004/163 dated 18th July, 2019.
- 21/05/2020: Notification regarding amendments made to the Pay Schedule appended to the Meghalaya Services (RoP) Rules, 2018 under the head Sericulture and Weaving.
- 18/05/2020: Office Memorandum ragarding Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) - Clarification.
- 15/05/2020: Notification regarding amendments made to the Pay Schedule appended to the Meghalaya Services (RoP) Rules, 2018 under the head Education.
- 15/05/2020: Notification regarding amendments made to the Pay Schedule appended to the Meghalaya Services (RoP) Rules, 2009 under the head Education.
- 12/05/2020: Office Memorandum on Revision of the rate of Conveyance Allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped State Government Employee.
- 05/05/2020: Office Memorandum regarding the new procedures to be adopted for processing the advertisement bills of various local and national media and print agencies which carry the State Government advertisements.
- 05/05/2020: Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) Helpline Numbers under the COVID-19 Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana DBT Relief Package.
- 28/04/2020: Office Memorandum regarding deferment of Salary for the month of April 2020 and May 2020.
- 20/02/2020: Corrigendum 1: Extension of last date of bid submission for Digitization of Records of O/o the AG(A&E) Meghalaya, Shillong.
- 30/01/2020: Digitization of Records of O/o the AG(A&E) Meghalaya, Shillong.
- 18/07/2019: Temporary Withdrawal of the Meghalaya Delegation of Financial Powers Rule 2006.
- 24/06/2019: Procedure for fixation of pay in the 2017 Revised Pay Structure - Checking and approval of Initial Pay Statements.
- 07/06/2019: General Authority for payment of Dearness Allowance to the serving employees of the Government of Meghalaya from 1.1.2019.
- 07/05/2019: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS)-clarification on fixation of pay for employees holding an isolated post.
- 07/05/2019: Fixation of Pay- Relaxation thereof.
- 28/03/2019: Addendum, No. F(PR) - 57/2017/55.
- 08/02/2019: Representations/Proposals relating to the Government decision on the departmental
recommendations of the fifth Meghalaya Pay Commission.
- 07/02/2019: Notification No.F(PR)-1/2018/65 dated 4th October, 2018.
- 06/09/2018: Economy Measures 2018-19.
- 13/07/2018: Winter Allowance F(PR)
- 12/06/2018: Notification PER.36-2011-121-G
- 29/05/2018: Office Memorandum [No. F(PR)-53/2017/20]
- 28/03/2018: Grant of Dearness Relief to the All India Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 1.1.2018.
- 14/03/2018: Abhishek Bhagotia, IAS(RR 2007) Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Finance Department is nominated as the Nodal Officer to attend to all matters and queries of the Fifteenth Finance Commission.
- 12/03/2018: Procedure for fixation of pay in the 2017 Revised Pay Structure - Checking and approval of Initial Pay Statements.
- 01/03/2018: Meghalaya Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2018
- 13/02/2018: Resolution on recommendations of the 5MPC, O.M. on implementation of recommendations of the 5MPC, Memorandum on Gradation of Employees; House Rent Allowance; Hill Compensatory Allowance; Medical Allowance; Revision of Pension; Winter Allowance; MACPS; etc..
- 12/01/2018: Notification regarding Information on State & Local Bodies Finances.
- 20/12/2017: Notification regarding Temporary Withdrawal of the Meghalaya Delegation of Financial Powers Rules 2006.
- 07/12/2017: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Fifth Meghalaya Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre - 1.1.2017 pensioners/family pension holders, etc.
- 09/10/2017: Notification regarding taking over charge as Secretary Finance to the Govt. of Meghalaya, Finance Department by Shri. Abhishek Bhagotia, IAS.
- 29/08/2017: Notification regarding taking over charge as Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya, Finance Department by Shri P.K. Agrahari, IFS.
- 21/06/2017: Grant of Dearness Relief to the All India Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 01.01.2017
- 16/02/2017: Restriction of expenditure under Non-Plan during 2016-2017
- 19/01/2017: Check on Fraudulent drawal of Travelling Allowance (TA)
- 28/06/2016: Economy Cut from Budget Estimates 2016-2017.
- 09/06/2016: Economy measures in respect of Administrative Plan and Non-Plan _ expenditure during 2016-2017