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Know the Department

The Role and function of Finance Department are laid down in the Rules of Executive Business.The department is primarily responsible for the financial administration and management of the State Finances. Some the main functions of the department are preparation of budget and statement of estimated revenues and expenditure to be laid down before the State Legislature; Examination of the proposals for increase or reduction of taxes; state borrowings and provision of Government Guarantees against loans raised by PSUs and otherentities; laying down of appropriate financial rules for guidance of other department that are responsible for maintenance of proper accounts and action to enforce accountability on such matters; preparation of estimates of receipts and disbursements and keeping watch on State Government fiscal balances, ways and means operations etc.; framing of various rules regulating the pay, leave of person in service of the state Government and rules regulating the number, grading or cadre emolument of posts; laying down of appropriate financial rules for guidance of all departments and other entities etc.